At Planet, we make it easy for merchants to join our platform with a hassle-free, paperless registration process. Our friendly Customer Happiness Center is always here to help you every step of the way. Once you're approved by the FTA, registration typically takes just 3-5 working days. We'll send you a welcome kit with an online training link to guide you through the entire process. And to make things even easier, we'll send you an invoice every 15 days for tax refunds claimed by tourists.
Want to find out more?I done my tax refund in Greece airport on 7 Jan 23 and managed to received the tax refund through credit card on 13 Feb 23. The customer service is responsive.
I went to Dubai and when leaving I was able to complete my tax free quick and fast. Mr. Sanford was so helpful. he even found me at my check point after I left my jewelry bag on the counter. Very truthful of him.
After reading all the negative reviews I had given up on getting my payment. But nearly 3 months later the payment has appeared on my payment card. I bought items in Italy and Switzerland. You need to make sure you get the form stamped as you leave each country.
I filled in the tax refund request form at the Keflavik airport Planet desk and after a month I received the credit. It is important to ask for a refund before going through the security check.